本文共 8938 字,大约阅读时间需要 29 分钟。
Greenplum Command Center用于监控系统性能指标、分析系统健康、管理执行管理任务(如start 、stop、恢复Greenplum等)。它由data collection agent和Command Center等组件组成:
Agent:安装在master及其他segment节点上,用于收集数据,包括查询、系统指标等。Master节点的agent轮询收集segment的agent数据,然后发送给Command Center Database。
Command Center Database:存放agent收集的数据和指标,然后运算后通过web界面展现。它存放在Greenplum Database的gpperfmon库里。
Greenplum Command Center Console:提供图形终端用于查看系统指标和性能。
Greenplum Command Center Web Service:Greenplum Command Center Console通过web service框架来访问Command Center 数据库。使用的是Lighttpd服务器。
cat >/workspace/gpdb/gp-all.txt <<-EOFgpnode611.kjh.com gpnode612.kjh.com gpnode613.kjh.com gpnode614.kjh.comgpnode615.kjh.comgpnode616.kjh.com EOF
cat >/workspace/gpdb/gp-sg.txt<<-EOFgpnode611.kjh.com gpnode612.kjh.com gpnode613.kjh.com gpnode614.kjh.comEOF
cd /workspace/gpdb/wget dl.#kjh#.com/greenplum-cc-web-4.3.1-LINUX-x86_64.zipunzip greenplum-cc-web-4.3.1-LINUX-x86_64.zip chown gpadmin:gpadmin -R *su - gpadmin
运行gpperfmon_install工具,提供Greenplum Database master的端口,设置gpmon用户密码。
gpperfmon_install --enable --port 5432 --password gpadmin=>]:-createdb gpperfmon >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 psql -f /usr/local/greenplum-db/./lib/gpperfmon/gpperfmon.sql gpperfmon >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 psql template1 -c "DROP ROLE IF EXISTS gpmon" >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 psql template1 -c "CREATE ROLE gpmon WITH SUPERUSER CREATEDB LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'gpadmin'" >& /dev/null=>]:-echo "local gpperfmon gpmon md5" >> /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf=>]:-echo "host all gpmon md5" >> /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf=>]:-echo "host all gpmon ::1/128 md5" >> /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf=>]:-touch /home/gpadmin/.pgpass >& /dev/null=>]:-mv -f /home/gpadmin/.pgpass /home/gpadmin/.pgpass.1536042224 >& /dev/null=>]:-echo "*:5432:gpperfmon:gpmon:gpadmin" >> /home/gpadmin/.pgpass=>]:-cat /home/gpadmin/.pgpass.1536042224 >> /home/gpadmin/.pgpass=>]:-chmod 0600 /home/gpadmin/.pgpass >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gp_enable_gpperfmon -v on >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gpperfmon_port -v 8888 >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gp_external_enable_exec -v on --masteronly >& /dev/null=>]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gpperfmon_log_alert_level -v warning >& /dev/null=>]:-gpperfmon will be enabled after a full restart of GPDBbled after a full restart of GPDB
gpstop -r
ps -ef|grep gpmmongpadmin 33145 33135 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/greenplum-db-5.10.2/bin/gpmmon -D /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf -p 5432
如果所有segment data collection agent在运行,你可以看到segment记录。
psql gpperfmon -c 'SELECT * FROM system_now;' ctime | hostname | mem_total | mem_used dle | load0 | load1 | load2 | quantum | disk_ro_rate | disk_wo_rate | disk_r略。。---------------------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------略。。----+-------+-------+-------+---------+--------------+--------------+-------略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode611.kjh.com | 67129667584 | 5077311488 略。。9.5 | 0.1 | 0.07 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 3 | 略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode612.kjh.com | 67129667584 | 5032013824 略。。.98 | 0.05 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 2 | 略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode613.kjh.com | 67129667584 | 4930248704 略。。.98 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 4 | 略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode614.kjh.com | 33309020160 | 4763942912 略。。.98 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode615.kjh.com | 67131998208 | 60665606144 略。。.76 | 0.08 | 0.22 | 0.19 | 15 | 0 | 3 | 略。。 2018-09-04 14:34:00 | gpnode616.kjh.com | 67129692160 | 33751642112 略。。.52 | 0.12 | 0.35 | 0.27 | 15 | 0 | 2 | 略。。(6 rows)
psql gpperfmonpsql (8.3.23)gpperfmon=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage --------+-------------------------------------+-------+---------+--------- public | database_history | table | gpadmin | heap public | database_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap public | database_history_1_prt_r1415749053 | table | gpadmin | heap public | database_history_1_prt_r454010987 | table | gpadmin | heap.............略。。。。。。。。。。。。 public | socket_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap public | system_history | table | gpadmin | heap public | system_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap public | system_history_1_prt_r1729197682 | table | gpadmin | heap public | system_history_1_prt_r526510131 | table | gpadmin | heap(28 rows)
把Master上的$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf文件拷贝到standby master上。确保Command Ceneter也能够访问standby master。拷贝Master的 ~/.pgpass文件到standby master上。
注意:.pgpass文件的权限是600。传输配置文件到standby节点:scp -rp /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf gpadmin@ -rp ~/.pgpass gpadmin@
gpstop -u
source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.shgpssh -f /workspace/gpdb/gp-all.txt=>mkdir -p /usr/local/gpccchown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/gpccexit
cd /workspace/gpdb/greenplum-cc-web-4.3.1-LINUX-x86_64/ ./gpccinstall-4.3.1
初始化过程如下:Do you agree to the Pivotal Greenplum Command Center End User License Agreement? Yy/Nn (Default=Y)yWhere would you like to install Greenplum Command Center? (Default=/usr/local) /usr/local/gpcc 《=====自定义安装路径 What would you like to name this installation of Greenplum Command Center? (Default=gpcc)What port would you like gpcc webserver to use? (Default=28080)Would you like to enable kerberos? Yy/Nn (Default=N)Would you like enable SSL? Yy/Nn (Default=N)...........................To manage Command Center, use the gpcc utility.Usage: gpcc [OPTIONS]Application Options: -v, --version Show Greenplum Command Center version --settings Print the current configuration settingsHelp Options: -h, --help Show this help messageAvailable commands: help Print list of commands krbdisable Disables kerberos authentication krbenable Enables kerberos authentication start Starts Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional] status Print agent status with [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional] stop Stops Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional]
cat >>/home/gpadmin/.bashrc<<-EOFGPCC_HOME=/usr/local/gpcc/greenplum-cc-web-4.3.1/PATH=$GPCC_HOME/bin:$PATHexport GPCC_HOMEEOF
cat >>/home/gpadmin/.bash_profile<<-EOFGPCC_HOME=/usr/local/gpcc/greenplum-cc-web-4.3.1/PATH=$GPCC_HOME/bin:$PATHexport GPCC_HOMEEOF
source ~/.bashrcsource ~/.bash_profile
vim /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf 配置文件尾部添加内容如下:host all gpmon md5传输配置文件到standby节点:scp -rp /usr/local/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf gpadmin@重新加载配置文件 postgresql.conf 和 pg_hba.confgpstop -u
命令参考 gpcc [OPTIONS]Application Options: -v, --version Show Greenplum Command Center version --settings Print the current configuration settingsHelp Options: -h, --help Show this help messageAvailable commands: help Print list of commands krbdisable Disables kerberos authentication krbenable Enables kerberos authentication start Starts Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional] status Print agent status with [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional] stop Stops Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional]
gpcc startStarting the gpcc agents and webserver…2018/09/04 15:05:39 Agent successfully started on 6/6 hosts2018/09/04 15:05:39 View Greenplum Command Center at http://gpnode615.kjh.com:28080